Sunday, May 9, 2010

Baby Haven!

That little face can bring fully formed adults to their knees- melting into a mass of mush!  We are quite certain she is a genius, and obviously the most beautiful baby every to grace God's green earth!  Of one thing we are sure...she is so dearly loved, so full of possibility, so able to ignite our hopes and dreams for her future happiness, and a link in the chain that ties our lives together in love for eternity!

Katie is home from Israel!

Katie returned from her study abroad in Israel on April 23rd- the day of Sophie's big dance concert at the Capitol Theatre!  Sophie has been glued to her side ever since!  Here they are just before the girls performed.  So good to have Katie home- safe and sound!  Before we blinked she went right back to BYU for spring semester and we are missing her again!!