Saturday, February 8, 2014

First Days at Home

Judi is thrilled to be back in her home with her family. Here are a few excerpts from Mike's daily updates:

*Our first full day at home has mainly been a day of rest. Judi slept 13 blissful hours last night! We are told to be patient, rest frequently, restrict large groups, and be positive. Judi loves being home. She is relaxed and positive.

*Last night, I ordered something delicious for dinner to make the first night special. While giving the restaurant my credit card, Judi chimed in knowing my American Express card number by heart. That might be scary!

*This morning Judi and I went on a couple of field trips. Her coping with new situations was good and recall of intermediate detail the best yet.

*Judi sat down to the piano, and surprising herself, played the hymns very well!

*Today was a wonderful Sunday. Thank you for fasting and prayers. Judi attended Fast and Testimony meeting.

*Judi drove her car today and is perhaps an improved driver!

*They say a week or month at a time, but I think that we see daily progress.

*Slow and steady progress...Anyone who sees Judi notices how good she looks and assumes all is well. This is not the case with her memory. Simple, non-complex discussion is best.

*Her memory is slowly improving, but I am convinced there is some improvement. Thanks to all who help through thought and deed.

Through this experience, what shines through is Judi's beautiful heart and character. She is loved and admired by so many. What an amazing woman she is!