Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Thanksgiving in Cancun!!

For Christmas we gave our kids a vacation in Cancun, Mexico- but it was really a gift we gave ourselves... To have every single person in our family together in one place at one time, with the complete impossibility of Mike being called away to the hospital or to some Stake crisis was just magical!!! Mike and I know we are the luckiest parents in the world to have such a herd of incredible-unique kids with spouses we love as much as if they had always belonged to us...  Each person brings so much to the family and we love each of you completely and uniquely...

*On our way out to an island where we are to begin our snorkeling adventure...* 

Whilst we were snorkeling we saw beautiful fish and Barracudas that got progressively bigger and madder.  We knew it was time to go back when the last Barracuda menacingly looked at Sophie and licked his chops... We did run into a guy that had a shark that had apparently "lost the will to live" and would let tourists hold him and largely tip his master...

( Sophie's thinking: "I want to take this shark home and keep it in the bath tub! Hey mom!")

(Thayne's thinking: "I'll tell everyone I caught this! Pay no attention to the crudely constructed fence...we are in open water...")

(Michael's thinking: " I could dissect this thing in a second and see what's goin' on inside or possibly try my cancer research on it....".)

(James is thinking: "I could make a model of this, computerize it and make an animated short that would lead to my complete take over of the Disney corporation...")

(Emily is thinking: "Awww...it's just a baby.. I want to nurture it" Tick tock biological clock...)

Sweet Haven

Haven loves her uncle James...

We loved the beautiful warm water and waves...

We wondered why a group of serious professionals were gathering around a mound of moving sand by the hotel...It turned out to be about 150 baby turtles hatching out of their eggs before our very eyes!! We got to play with them (some sort of felony in the U.S. but hey- it's Mexico!) and that night we got to set them free in the ocean!  We had a starting line and cheered for our own little guys..  All of them made it to the ocean and we're just hoping they are well on their way out to sea and don't meet too many critters higher up the food chain...

We had an amazing Thanksgiving feast at the hotel.  I am overwhelmed at my blessings and the fact that I didn't make a Turkey dinner or wash a single dish!!!!

Bestest buds...

Nana's joy...

We played some crazy volleyball on the beach.  Don't let that pretty pregnant girl fool you- she's a killer

Mike, Ashley, Haven (and Brooklyn hiding!)

Em and Thayne rockin' the abdominal enhancing snorkeling floats...

                                          The people I love most in the whole world...


Our mighty leader- Mike- loaded us up in the rented van and hauled us to ChichenItsa.  These were incredible ruins which left us marveling at the Mayan culture.  We marveled further as Mike took us "offroading" on the way home-hitting at least 2000 enormous speed bumps with our only shock absorbers being the spaces between our vertebraes... It got so we were betting on the number of seconds between bumps that hurled us across the Mexican vehicle.  We'll laugh about it in a year....

Cute little Soph's vocal recital- "Where Is Love" from Oliver...

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Sam and Katie in Africa!

 Sam and Katie spent ten days in Ghana helping 200 others in a humanitarian effort led by Sam's employer- Vivent Alarms...

Monday, October 29, 2012


James is in grad school in Atlanta studying Animation.  He just produced an Anthology of stories and art created by him and his BYU colleagues.  It will be in a booth at CTN (Creative Talent Network in L.A.) this November!  This is a huge event that hosts many producers and studio scouts, actors and actresses.  It will be wonderful exposure for studios(Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks...) to see his work!  We are totally proud of his tenacity and his work ethic...(not to mention his amazing artistry and general cuteness...) We miss you James and agree with your statement: "If I can succeed in this business I'll never work a day in my life!"  Way to do what you love and follow your dreams!!!

James can make your basic walk down the street look totally exciting!!!

James wins his college costume competition as Edward Sissorhands!!! Ahh!!

Family fun...

The "cousins" gather at Aunt Tanna's house for some spooky fun...

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


 Sophie, Mike and Judi took advantage of UEA and headed out to Florida!  Mike had a meeting there so we had to give him up for a day, but we had a blast together!

Space ride at Epcot...

We visited Korea at Epcot Center and had a moment of silence for James...

Thrill seekers!!!!!

At the animal kingdom we went on a fantastic safari seeing giraffes and white Rhinos.  Out our hotel window we could see zebras and giraffes grazing in the savannah...  Here Sophie was trying to make friends with the gorilla...

I turned my back for only a moment, and Mike had another bandalo with Disney pins!!!!!. He texted all the kids with this picture telling them that this was their inheritance.  Hilarious- full on nerd!

Sophie finds her Halloween costume: "Perry Platapus Secret Agent"